Leading with Social and Emotional Intelligence through Servant Leadership

Date and Time:

April 29, 2025 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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About The Events

Social + Emotional Intelligence (S+EI) is a form of intelligence that drives our success in work, in life, and in our relationships with others. Studies show that S+EI is scientifically proven to: boost productivity, reduce turnover, increase engagement and transform your organization’s culture to one of lively creativity and collaboration.

Attendees will leave with a great understanding of the most important competencies in the workplace today – such as building bonds, stress management, resilience, managing conflict productively, influencing skills, catalyzing change, teamwork, building trust and much more! Individual or group strengths and needs can be identified through the use of Social and Emotional Intelligence Evaluations. WPI offers the Social + Emotional Intelligence Profile (SEIP)® – which is the most comprehensive, statistically-reliable, scientifically-validated instrument on the market today.

Through focusing on key competencies, and behaviors, leaders can be more intentional in their servant leadership and better identify the individual and team needs for those they are entrusted to lead.

This seminar includes individual workplace online evaluations. Attendees will have their own immediate results and will be asked to bring those results to the seminar. The results of the SEIP® will be discussed and WPI will provide tangible strategies that can, if practiced, increase leader effectiveness.

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