By Mark Holmquist WPI Training Director

Initiating frequent conversations with your team is essential to keep everyone on task, mission focused and informed on developments as we all navigate through the “new normal.”  Leaders should keep in mind that their teams are seeking greater clarity in day to day operations to understand where the organization is heading during this uncertain time. 

I have always been impressed by leaders who were transparent in their conversations with an employee or delivering information in a more formal manner to a group.  The importance of being transparent while communicating with people is that it allows a leader to build trust with the individual or group during each conversation opportunity.  The message needs to be authentic, so it is not perceived the leader is trying to mislead the follower.  The leader also should convey humility in their communications, which will show the follower the leader does not have all the answers and needs input from everyone to lead a successful team. 

The leader who is not transparent and shares only minimal, “need to know” information, is not building trust with group members and does not desire to have an open dialogue with the team about how to achieve organizational goals.  Employees want to be part of an organization that consistently delivers the truth about where the company is heading in the future.  This allows the entire team the opportunity to plan, anticipate obstacles and limit surprises.  Employees will resent the leader who withholds information and causes a last-minute scramble for the team to overcome.  Situations where information needs to be delivered last minute or without a lot of information do happen.  The leader who has established a consistent line of communication and trust with their employees, will have enough leadership capital accumulated to guide the team through these challenges without resentment from the followers.

If you are interested in improving the quality of your team’s conversations through enhanced communication techniques proven to be effective in the workplace, contact WPI to learn how we could assist you in meeting your individual and organizational goals.  Follow WPI on our social media platforms for upcoming opportunities to expand upon your existing leadership skills through in-class sessions and webinars. #crucialconversations #teamcohesion #trust #wpileadership